Dub All Star #11: Maura McArdle
Running proof that hard work pays off – meet Maura!
Mile | 00:06:36 |
5k | 00:23:12 |
10k | 00:48:00 |
Half | 01:46:00 |
Marathon | 03:58:00 |
When did you start running?
About 14 years ago.
Why did you start running?
I used to play a lot of team sports and when I retired, I did a bit of running and went to gym classes to stay fit. Once I joined the running club, I found it helped replace the social side I missed with team sports.
What is a typical training week for you?
In lock down it is has been about 5 miles on a Tuesday, 10 mile (Sunday run or up to Giant’s Ring) and 8 mile on a Sunday down to the Titanic. I try to fit in a Zoom yoga class and a HIIT class too, I’m afraid the yoga has been a
bit sporadic.

Maura flanked fellow Dubs Andy W and Brian G!
What is your favourite Dub training session?
Has be the head torch run during the winter, it is kind of magical!
What has been your favourite race(s) to take part in?
First half marathon I did was Mourne Way which I found very tough but a fantastic experience. My first marathon in (Dublin) was special, I did Belfast for the first time last year, knowing so many people in the race and support
was fantastic and got a PB thanks to some help from club mate Anna Mc Ardle! The races we go to as a club are always a great day out, Glenmore is my favourite.
What are you running goals?
Just to keep going and stay injury free.
Tell us something random about yourself that people might not know!
I used to play rugby for Ulster and have played in Ravenhill a few times.